Opening scene of the play "Le jeu de la voyagère" by Rina Lasnier, performed by the students of the teacher training college

Joliette, Quebec, April 1949.
Opening scene of the play "Le jeu de la voyagère" by Rina Lasnier, performed by the students of the teacher training college

Le Jeu de la voyagère, a play in nine scenes and divided in three acts, illustrates the life of Marguerite Bourgeoys. Written by Rina Lasnier, a well-known Quebec poet and playwright, who received several awards, the play was first published by the Éditions de la Société des écrivains canadiens. Later, in 1950, the new and revised version was published by the Congrégation de Notre-Dame. In that same year, the play was presented during four evenings at the École normale and was directed by Mlle A. Lavallée, professor of diction. It was also presented during the Jubilee celebrations for Msgr. J.-A. Papineau, Bishop of Joliette. Many presentations were organized in the schools of the CND throughout Quebec.