École Bernard / École secondaire Bernard
Institution founded in 1960, Sorel (Sorel-Tracy), Québec.
Bernard School, a branch of Saint-Pierre Boarding School, was built in 1960 by the Sorel School Commission. It was named in honour of Most Reverend Alexis-Xyste Bernard, Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe (1905-1923). The building was located on Morgan Street and had eighteen classrooms on two floors. The direction was entrusted to the Congrégation de Notre-Dame. Sister Saint-Damase-Marie (Jeanne-Alix Laberge) was named director; she was accompanied by Sister Saint-Josaphat-Martyr (Imelda Lapointe) and Sister Sainte-Marie-Claire-du-Rosaire (Claire Reid). In September, the school opened its doors to receive one hundred thirty-six girls. Six lay teachers made up the rest of the teaching staff. In 1961, the school received the grades 5, 6 and 7 boys from Mgr-Desranleau School which had been built the same year but was not yet ready; Bernard School thus became a co-ed school. La Croisade eucharistique was established the same year. In June 1962, a lay woman was named director. However, a large number of parishioners asked that the School Commission maintain the school under the direction of the sisters. The Congrégation de Notre-Dame thus continued its mission of administering the school. In September, an English class was opened to receive English-language Catholic grades 1 and 2 children of the area. At the same time, four classrooms were lent to the Protestant School Commission in compensation for having received Catholic students in their classes. The following year, the elementary level school became Bernard High School where general secondary level courses were provided to grades 8 and 9 girls of the area. The elementary level students were transferred to other schools. Six grade 8 classes and eight grade 9 classes were opened. The staff then numbered twenty-five teachers for five hundred twenty students.
In 1965, an increase in enrollments forced the School Commission to transfer four grade 8 classes to Maria-Goretti School; Bernard High School then numbered six hundred fifty students. The following year, a new development occurred: students from the town of Tracy were transferred to Institut de Technologie. The empty premises were occupied by two grade 1 and 2 elementary level classes, two grade 10 general secondary level classes, five grade 9 science classes, and three grade 12 business classes. In addition, the sisters taught nine grade 8 and 9 classes in the Franciscan Didace-Pelletier School In May 1967, the students of the school visited Expo 67; five buses travelled to Montreal to visit the Canadian, American, British and USSR pavilions. In September, the school only received the grade 10 students of the area. The three courses offered were Sciences and Mathematics, Sciences and Literature and the General Course. A total of two hundred sixty-nine young women were registered. In December, a fashion show was organized at the school. While a number of students paraded in front of their class mates, the sewing pattern company, “Simplicity,” took the opportunity to speak to the students about appropriate dress. In 1969, following the opening of Fernand-Lefebvre Comprehensive High School, the direction of Bernard School was given to lay personnel.
NB: This text was written using documents found in the archival holdings in our possession and does not constitute a complete administrative history of the teaching establishment.

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École Bernard / École secondaire Bernard
École Bernard / École secondaire Bernard
Sorel (Sorel-Tracy), Quebec
Institution fondée en 1960
Dernière adresse : 61, rue Morgan
École Bernard / École secondaire Bernard
École Bernard / École secondaire Bernard
Sorel (Sorel-Tracy), Quebec
Institution fondée en 1960
Dernière adresse : [172, rue Guévremont?]