Notes pour l'enseignement de la gymnastique des filles - À l'usage des élèves-institutrices de l'École normale à Montréal
[s.n.], Montréal, Congrégation de Notre-Dame, 15 pages, 1906. Archives Congrégation de Notre-Dame - Montréal.
Book title in English: "Notes for Teaching Physical Education to Girls - for the Student Teachers of the Normal School in Montreal".
Some of the books published by the Congregation for students in higher education, for instance, student teachers in Normal Schools who were studying to obtain their teaching certificates. In these publications there were elements relative to the subject matter and elements relative to pedagogy. "Notes pour l'enseignement de la gymnastique des filles" offered future teachers instruction on how to properly do the exercises. Songs were also included to accompany the lessons. This type of physical education for young women was also called calisthenics.