Employment contract between the Congrégation de Notre-Dame and the Bureau des commissaires catholiques romains de la cité de Montréal

This is the first employment contract between the Congrégation de Notre-Dame and the Bureau des commissaires catholiques romains de la cité de Montréal (Office of Roman Catholic School Commissioners of the City of Montreal). The contract is signed by Mother Superior Sainte-Madeleine (Marie-Catherine Huot) and by Armand-François-Marie de Charbonnel, President of the Bureau. This organization was established in 1846 and by the following year was managing, a number of schools with a total of 377 Catholic French and English speaking students. In 1900, it became the Commission des écoles catholiques de Montréal, CÉCM (Montreal Catholic School Commission, MCSC) and, in 1998, the Commission scolaire de Montréal, following modifications to the Public Education Law which stipulated that the school commissions of Quebec be organized by language rather than by denomination.